Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria
Transgender youth are not suffering from a social contagion and that transgender people are not identifying as transgender in order to "trans away the gay" or escape homophobia.
Cite as: Jack L. Turban, Brett Dolotina, Dana King, Alex S. Keuroghlian; Sex Assigned at Birth Ratio Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents in the United States. Pediatrics August 2022; 150 (3): e2022056567. 10.1542/peds.2022-056567The sex assigned at birth ratio of TGD adolescents in the United States does not appear to favor AFAB adolescents and should not be used to argue against the provision of gender-affirming medical care for TGD adolescents.
Added: 10 Apr, 2023There is no clinical evidence to support the concept of "Rapid onset gender dysphoria" in adolescents.
Cite as: Greta R. Bauer et al, Do Clinical Data From Transgender Adolescents Support the Phenomenon of "Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria"?, The Journal of Pediatrics (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.11.020We did not find support within a clinical population for a new etiologic phenomenon of rapid onset gender dysphoria during adolescence. Among adolescents under age 16 years seen in specialized gender clinics, associations between more recent gender knowledge and factors hypothesized to be involved in rapid onset gender dysphoria were either not statistically significant, or were in the opposite direction to what would be hypothesized. This putative phenomenon was posited based on survey data from a convenience sample of parents recruited from websites,10 and may represent the perceptions or experiences of those parents, rather than of adolescents, particularly those who may enter into clinical care. Similar analyses should be replicated using additional clinical and community data sources. Our finding of lower anxiety severity/impairment scores in adolescents with more recent gender knowledge suggests the potential for longstanding experiences of gender dysphoria (or their social complications) playing a role in development of anxiety, which could also be explored in future research.
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.11.020
- https://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(21)01085-4/fulltext#relatedArticles
- https://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(21)01085-4/pdf
Added: 10 Apr, 2023There is no evidence of ROGD and it forms part of a misinformation campaign that intends to stigmatise and limit access to evidence based care.
There are no sound empirical studies of ROGD and it has not been subjected to rigorous peer-review processes that are standard for clinical science. Further, there is no evidence that ROGD aligns with the lived experiences of transgender children and adolescents.
The proliferation of misinformation regarding ROGD is also infiltrating policy decisions.
Terms, such as ROGD, that further stigmatize and limit access to gender-affirming and evidence-based care violate the principles upon which CAAPS was founded and public trust in clinical science.
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Added: 11 Apr, 2023