Body Dysmorphia
Difference between dysphoria and dysmorphia
Cite as: Mirabella, Marta, Guido Giovanardi, Alexandro Fortunato, Giulia Senofonte, Francesco Lombardo, Vittorio Lingiardi, and Anna Maria Speranza. 2020. "The Body I Live in. Perceptions and Meanings of Body Dissatisfaction in Young Transgender Adults: A Qualitative Study" Journal of Clinical Medicine 9, no. 11: 3733. indeed reported a high level of self-awareness concerning their body and their attempts to attack and alter it. This is surprising, considering that as literature points out cisgender subjects with eating disorders usually show a lack of self-awareness regarding their symptoms, or rather that they tend to deny having issues with eating and to “escape” from their negative view of themselves.
Added: 10 Apr, 2023