Oraganisation Guidance on Trans Matters
"Women and Equalities Committee recommendations to UK government to reform the Gender Recognition Act.
- Better guidance on the single-sex and separate-sex exceptions.
- Develop a healthcare strategy for transgender and non-binary people within the next year.
- Opening at least three new gender identity clinics.
- Reducing the fee for a GRC to £5.
- Review be conducted of whether the Gender Recognition Panel could be removed.
- The requirement of a diagnosis for gender dysphoria in order to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) should be removed.
- The spousal consent provision should be removed.
- Expressed concerned that the Government Equalities Office appears to have abandoned the LGBT Action Plan and we urge the Government to commit to continuing to implement the Plan across all departments. "
- https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5802/cmselect/cmwomeq/977/report.html
- https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5802/cmselect/cmwomeq/977/summary.html
Added: 10 Apr, 2023Non-statutory guidance to assist trans students in Scottish schools.
This guidance has been developed from Supporting Transgender Young People which was developed and published by LGBT Youth Scotland in 2017. The guidance is therefore based on the experiences of transgender young people and good practice approaches suggested by school staff, and a wide range of professionals with expertise in the field of education and human rights.
Why is this guidance needed?
In terms of experiences of young people, research8 carried out with around 700 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) young people in Scotland showed that:
- 82% of transgender young people had experienced bullying in school on the grounds of being LGB or T
- 68% of trans young people who had experienced bullying said that it negatively affected their educational attainment
- Only 24% of LGBT young people would feel confident reporting transphobia in school
- 27% of trans young people left education as a result of homophobia, biphobia or transphobia9 in the learning environment
- https://www.gov.scot/binaries/content/documents/govscot/publications/advice-and-guidance/2021/08/supporting-transgender-young-people-schools-guidance-scottish-schools/documents/supporting-transgender-pupils-schools-guidance-scottish-schools/supporting-transgender-pupils-schools-guidance-scottish-schools/govscot%3Adocument/supporting-transgender-pupils-schools-guidance-scottish-schools.pdf
- /post/uk/policies/schools/2021/scotland/supporting_trans_students/supporting-transgender-pupils-schools-guidance-scottish-schools.pdf
Added: 11 Apr, 2023The guidance sets out to assist Parole Board members in achieving equality of outcome for prisoners who are transgender and to provide a definition of relevant terms and practical guidance for cases involving prisoners who are transgender.
Added: 10 Apr, 2023